1/25/24 routine

Today's workout routine was centered around an aerobic endurance bike ride, structured to enhance my cardiovascular capacity and endurance. Here's how the session unfolded:


  • Started with a 10-minute ride in Zone 2 (Z2), which set a moderate pace to gradually increase my heart rate and prepare my muscles for the more intense effort ahead.

  • Followed this with 5 sets of 30 seconds in upper Zone 2, pushing slightly harder to raise my effort levels, alternating with 30 seconds in low Zone 2 for a brief recovery and to maintain a steady heart rate.

Main Set:

  • The first intense segment was 9 minutes in upper Zone 2, where I maintained a challenging but sustainable pace. This was followed by a 60-second recovery period in low Zone 2, allowing me to catch my breath and prepare for the next round.

  • Next, I pushed for 12 minutes in upper Zone 2, increasing the duration to challenge my endurance further. After this, another 60-second recovery in low Zone 2 helped me to reset.

  • The final push was a continuous 15-minute effort in upper Zone 2, focusing on maintaining a strong and steady pace to maximize aerobic capacity.


  • I concluded the session with a 5-minute cooldown in low Zone 2, easing the pace to gradually bring my heart rate down and to ensure proper recovery after the intense workout.

This structured cycling workout, with its varied intensities and durations, was key in building my aerobic endurance - an essential component for my overall training goals.

Dr Marshall Bahr

Welcome to my website! My name is Marshall Bahr, and I am a passionate individual with a diverse range of interests. I am currently in medicine as both a physician and an administrator.

Family is a major priority for me, and I believe that the love and support of loved ones is essential for a happy and fulfilled life. In my free time, I enjoy staying active and maintain a healthy lifestyle through fitness, whether it’s through weightlifting, adventure racing, or triathlons. I also have a keen interest in food and enjoy experimenting with new recipes and cuisines.

Travel is another passion of mine, and I believe that exploring new places and cultures is one of the best ways to broaden our horizons and gain a new perspective on the world.

I believe that we all have the ability to inspire others and make a positive impact on the world, and I hope to do just that though my website. Here, you’ll find information on my journey in the military, medicine, my family, my fitness, my food adventures, and my travels. I’ll also share my thoughts and experiences, and offer tips and advice to help you live your best life. Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to connecting with you!


1/27/24 Workout


Training Diary: 1/24/24